Welcome to Brackley HogWatch & Rehabilitation Centre website. We are available 24 hours a day for help and advice concerning sick, injured or orphaned Hedgehogs.
Although hedgehogs are common and widespread, evidence of a drastic decline is mounting. Surveys show that populations have dropped by almost 50% over the last 25 years and the indication is that this decline is still continuing in England and Wales. If nothing is done to reverse the trend then this mammal could be extinct from some areas by 2050. This worrying level of decline has led to the hedgehog becoming a UK Priority Species and conservation measures are being put in place.
It is the belief of Brackley HogWatch that we, as the community of Brackley, can reverse the decline massively. Other communities will follow our lead.
At present most hedgehogs, the tracked ones being excellent examples, are living in waste land or communal land around us. Very few are in residential gardens. Those that are, are in places where the homeowner least expects them. Very few people are aware that they have a hedgehog sleeping in their garden and even fewer take any kind of responsibility towards their guests.
We as a community, must invite hedgehogs into our gardens and make them feel welcome. There is so much goodwill towards the hedgehog and yet no-one knows that they need to help or even how they can help.