Found: 23/12/2011
Weight: 399g
Location: Ash Road/Beech Drive area
Condition: Autumn Juvenile too small to survive Winter
On arrival to Brackley HogWatch rescue centre this hedgehog was small and extremely sick. He underwent our normal examination and observation and clearly needed individual medical treatment. He had breathing difficulties, coughing, vomiting and diarrhoea and needed intensive medical treatments. The normal faecal sample was sent for analysis where 2 different types of lungworm were identified. He was treated effectively with different injections required for each type. Antibiotics were also required to help with any secondary infection. A further faecal sample was sent and showed that the treatments had been effective.
Again this had been yet another doomed Autumn Juvenile hedgehog if there had been no human intervention he would have died. He was near death over Christmas and the New Year period. His story is unique in that he needed fluids (saline injections) to keep him alive long enough for other medications to make him better. He was eating and drinking well, even before he was brought into temporary captivity, but the vomiting and diarrhoea was so bad that he was losing weight daily and dying from starvation and dehydration. He only just lived.
This hedgehog was constantly monitored using cctv cameras, throughout the winter and was released back into the Ash Road area of Brackley.
Released: 26/04/12
Weight: 1009g
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